Saturday, August 7, 2010

Question about Windows startup for Software Experts?

I have just reinstalled my whole operating system and I was very careful as to how I installed things. I have my system fully protected with Firewall, Antivirus, Spyware, and Registry cleaners. Now when I installed all of these programs and restarted it took no time at all. The delay right now is happening at the welcome screen and I really am to speed that up. My laptop is starting up in 2 minutes rather than a minute. It really matters to me because as I am a public speaker, I need my laptop the startup immediately without a delay.

Now, I would like to direct this question to software experts so I can get a clear answer. If you do however know of some forums which I could post this question please let me know because I would like to get this resolved quickly as I don't want to reinstall again. This problem only occured when I installed one specific program...though I can't figure out which one it is.

Question about Windows startup for Software Experts?free spyware

First, when you shut down, don't fully shut down or hibernate; rather, go to standby. This will save your entire system state either in memory or on your hard drive. You select which one with a setting in your system BIOS. If you've never gotten into the BIOS, just use the current default for now. Once things are working nicely, you can pursue further optimization (like, ask another question here).

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