Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can I find out what badwidth uses each program.?

Let's say I have a 10 Mbps conection. I want to find out what percentage of it uses each of the programs that I have running (Windows, firewall, ICQ, msn, IE, emule, antivirus, etc.) at any given time. Is it possible to assign priorities. For example when I am surfing the web, let IE have more bandwidth and when I am downloading, leave it to emule so it downloads faster. Would it make a difference?

How can I find out what badwidth uses each program.?internet

Deciding the bandwidth usage depends on your software u r using there will b option in your software regarding bandwidth usage. i.e full. sharing. or limited. but if your software dosnt have all this then it will aquire the available bandwidth

u can check it out at

but u will not get 10mbps every time it will b changing all the time.hope to help u


How can I find out what badwidth uses each program.?network

Depende de cuanto tiempo lo uses y las transferencias que tengan cada uno de ellos. Por ejemplo, los de transferencia de archivos Kazaa, Emule, WinMx, LimeWire, Torrent SW, etc, etc. Son los que por lo regular chupan mas banda.


SW stands for software.

Adič´¸s, vato. Nos leemos luego.

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