Sunday, August 15, 2010

My computer restarts itself for no reason???

I changed my ram memory in the computer and since then I've been having some problems with it. My computer had 2 rams in it, one 64 at 100mhz and one 256 at 133mhz and everything was ok. Yesterday I put in another two 256 at 133 mhz and took out the 64 one and that's when my computer started rebooting itself.

It's mostly when I'm playing yahoo games or when my avg antivirus starts. I ran the anti virus and spyware/adware programs and everything came up ok. I also tested my memory with memtest one by one and had no errors; But when I tested them all together I got like over 50 errors. Why is that? What's wrong with my computer?

Also when the computer reboots itself and windows lead again I get: system recovered from a serious error

BCCode : 24 BCP1 : 001902FE BCP2 : F2657418 BCP3 : F2657114 BCP4 : 804E83D4 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 768_1



temp files disappear when i click ok

My computer restarts itself for no reason???antispyware

Your computer is over heating. You need to check your fans makes sure they are working. You might have to install bigger ones that can cool down your system. One more thing you can do is to clean your fans, be careful not to touch other stuff like the motherboard. Best wishes.

My computer restarts itself for no reason???best antivirus software

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