Sunday, August 15, 2010

How do you get rid of a virus that is on a prog.?

Trojan drop A. is the virus.3 antivirus prog. will not has locked out all programs.,inclu is on the c:\temp\restore file. access denied to remove file or clean.

How do you get rid of a virus that is on a prog.?antivirus download

you can try this site for a free online scan,

if it dosnt do the trick I would go out and buy Norton Anti can get it alsmost free at comp usa or staples, etc, with around.

How do you get rid of a virus that is on a prog.?bmw

trojan infected program file(exe) .

i don't think so.

r u sure ? chk in registry at

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curren... = %26lt;Path to the Trojan exe%26gt;


if you don't knw registry , den use the tools sujsted by othrs.
use agood antivirus to detect and clean if the clean fails atleast get the name of the virus u might get stand alone cleaners for the specific virus from internet serach in yahoo or google download and run program.
AD-aware - personal

avg antispyware

spybot search and destory

anitspyware blocker


spyware doctor


you download them . then you run 1 at a time to scan ur pc . use deep scan with them all .when found spyware or addware .malware .trojan in da scan . just hit on delete.also have registry machanic . that will clean up ur pc registry you want to use a good anitivurs .. Kaspersky .antivirus is verry good .when you have scan ur pc .and remove da malware . then start pc in safemode and scan da pc again as in safe mode it will do a even more deep scan for spyware or malware or trojans you will not need to format da pc at all you can remove any spyware or trojan malware in da way i told you how to it is easy
-download ccleaner

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