Sunday, August 15, 2010

ITunes Problem VERYVERYVERY desperate for help!!?

Well I had all my schoolwork and applications/programs on my computer then I stupidly allowed for my Norton AntiVirus to expire and a virus got in a wiped my WHOLE computer from EVERYTHING. I got it back from the technician and he removed both drives (C) and (D) and added new ones, both which are 100GB in space.

I added most of the applications and programs again even iTunes but I just need help on how to get all 1000 songs and 20 videos from my iPod and to put them all on my iTunes. At the moment there are NO songs or videos on iTunes. I was being very optomistic in thinking there is actually a way from taking all the music from my iPod and adding them all back to iTunes.

If anybody has any help and actually gets all my music back, I will love you forever. is my MSN address if anybody feels like thaking the effort to give me a step-by-step guide. PLEASE let there be a program. Thanks alot in advance for your answers.

ITunes Problem VERYVERYVERY desperate for help!!?computer virus

try this: connect ipod to pc. go to 'my compuer' and you will find your ipod as 'removable drive' or somethig. enter that and you will find your beloved collection somewhere if you browse for it. copy all you find onto one of your pc's drives.

after that allow itunes to scan your pc for media

the reason im not very concise is that im only gessing. if the media is on the ipod, it is NOT lost!! need more help, post the question again

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